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Rack ATS, 230V, 32A, IEC 309 in, (16) C13 (2) C19 out

₹ 83800

Rack ATS, 230V, 32A, IEC 309 in, (16) C13 (2) C19 out provides redundant rack mount power to single-corded equipment. Includes: Rack Mounting brackets, RS-232 configuration cable and Serial configuration cable

Category: APC

Rack ATS, 230V, 32A, IEC 309 in, (16) C13 (2) C19 out provides redundant rack mount power to single-corded equipment. Includes: Rack Mounting brackets, RS-232 configuration cable, Serial configuration cable

Length 23.6Cm
Width 43.2Cm
Height 8.8Cm
Weight 6.94Kg

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